Saturday 4 December 2010

Anchorage, Gender and Typology

- Anchorage – anchoring the meaning of an image (telling the viewer what is is/means)

- If something is well anchored, it is described as didactic – the meaning is explained obviously to the viewer/reader

- Sex – what you are born as (male or female)

- Gender – a constructed concept. Men’s masculinity and women’s femininity. The way you behave and compose yourself.

- Intertextuality – making references to previous texts

- ALL representations are intertextually linked

- Some representations are common, while others are rare

- Typology labelling a group of people by what they are expected to act like e.g. how women are represented in music videos:

· Decorative
· Patronising
· Victims
· Independent

E.g. black people:
Native – simple
Slave – happy to serve

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