Wednesday 24 November 2010

Investigating Representation of Gender

Symbolic annilation – women’s roles in the media are limited compared to the roles of men

Meehan (1984)

  • Woman who led research into primetime TV
  • Categorised women’s roles in the media into 9 major groups

1. Imp – ‘’tomboy’’. Behaviour/dress sense is slightly masculine

2. Good wife – likely to have children and stay at home to care for them

3. Bitch – nasty, likes to cause trouble / always ready for an argument

4. Decoy – plays a minor role, limited character, has minimum impact on storyline

5. Siren – alluring woman, incredibly beautiful, often ends up ‘’using’’ men

6. Victim – experiences upset/heartbreak

7. Harpy/courtesan – prostitute

8. Matriarch – powerful woman, often found in a soap opera

9. Witch

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