Friday 15 October 2010

Mise en Scene, Setting and Sound

- Mise en Scene – everything we see on TV
- Location – where it’s actually filmed
- Setting – where it’s set

Important aspects while shooting a TV programme/film:
· Actors
· Location/setting
· Props
· Lighting
· Sound
· Cinematography (camera shots/angles)

PARADIGMATIC – constructing an overall idea

Montage (edit) – how we put things together. Used to manage a time frame during a TV programme/film

Syntagmatic connotation – changing the overall meaning of something by changing an image or the order of imagery


- Diegetic sound – sound that comes from within the scene e.g. a phone ringing in the scene

- Non-diegetic sound – sound that is not meant to be in the scene

- Synchronous sound – has to be recorded in the scene

- Non-synchronous sound – sound that is not recorded at the same time as the image

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